18 Aug 2022
Events looking to showcase Grove Farm from photo opportunities to animal encounters.
Nigel Bewley was kind enough to run another great photography salon. We enjoyed wandering around Grove Farm as the sun set. Unfortunately it wasnt all good news as we found some of the information signs that had been put out had been destroyed. We'll replace these and carry on the work.
After the photo salon we managed some bat searching too as Nigel had brought a bat detector (unfortunately Vanessa was ill just before the evening's event so Nigel stepped in). He discovered common pipistrelle & soprano pippistrelle flying around, although we weren’t sharp eyed enough to see them. Nigel also heard a female tawny owl.
We also lured some moths with blacklight and a productive repurposing of old net curtains. See a shot of a Brimstone moth above.
Thanks everyone who came. It was great to see everyone.