30 Oct 2022
Covering the Trustees report and the future direction of the charity
We celebrated our successes this year, giving out certificates to individual volunteers who have been particularly dedicated and through the time they spent volunteering at Grove Farm enabled us to achieve our excellent report from London in Bloom.
We then had a good discussion about plans for next year, including: - how to get more people aware & engaged with Grove Farm, such as reaching out to more families & local schools - finding out what plants, animals & fungi are present at Grove Farm & what we can do to enhance the biodiversity of the site - as well as developing a community garden at the Bedser Drive entrance.
We elected the steering committee & we are pleased to welcome back Michael, Ros, Amrita, Cathy & Anna as Trustees. Mike is staying in as Chair, Ros as Treasurer & Anna as Secretary.
As always, if you’d like to get more involved in any of our projects please get in touch.
Finally many thanks to everyone who attended our AGM & to Friends of Horsenden Hill for kindly hosting us.